Promotional Opportunities for Authors
Name Badges - $300 - Have your name, book titles, logo, or whatever you wish on all attendee's name badges.
Welcome Party - $2500
Buffet Breakfast - $2500
Sunday Afternoon Tea - $2500
Author Table Sponsorship - $100 - Please call 337 319 5783 and Connie will go over the details with you.
Program Book:
Inside Front Cover - $125
Inside Back Cover - $125
Back Cover - $150
Full Page - $100
Half Page - $ 50
Listing - $ 20
Authors may send books for the goody bags or any type of promotional items. Please send 100 items to Connie Perry, 103 Estainville Ave., Lafayette, Louisiana 70508.
If you have any ideas that you would like to promote, or have any questions, whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call me at 337 319 5783.